Four Fantastic Font Foundries & Designers

Four Fantastic Font Foundries & DesignersAs a result of my venture into type design, I have had the pleasure of becoming acquainted with some really talented people in the field. The foundries and designers in this post, I am so fond of, I wanted to tell everyone about them. And just for the record, this is not a sponsored post. Matter of fact, they don't even know that I am writing it.

I am the proud owner of fonts from each one, so I know from experience just how exquisite their works really are. Without further adieu, I give you the fantastic four.


If you have not heard of Typodermic or it's creator Ray Larabie, you probably haven't looked at the fonts on your own hard drive. Or out your window for that matter. If you want fonts that can't go wrong, go to Typodermic. He makes magic fonts.

Voivode by Typodermic

«Sentinel Type

Fonts by Sentinel Type in one word: Gorgeous! Truly flawless works of art, that just amaze me. Sentinel Type's designer-in-chief James Arborgast is simply brilliant; these fonts are flawless. I don't know how he does it, he has the font magic too.

Jellybrush by Sentinel Type

«Barry Schwartz

The most lovely serif typefaces to be found, and they are free! He is so dedicated and meticulous in his work at 'The Crud Factory,' his fonts are truly a contribution to the community to be appreciated. His fonts are responsible for this compulsive geometric sans-serif abuser to fall in love with serifs again.

Goudy Oldstyle and Italic by Barry Schwartz

«Kirk Shelton

Kirk is an "indie" type designer like myself, and was one of my first font designer friends. Kirk's creations are totally original and artistic. Not to mention he is beyond cool and super funny. What up Kirk!

Negatron by Kirk Shelton

There you have it, be sure to give them a visit! I am sure you will enjoy the fonts by these designers and foundries, you wont be disappointed. I'd love for you to share your thoughts on them with a comment, thanks for reading!

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I'm Lauren, self-proclaimed "dweeb," and "the coolest person I know." Single mom, making fonts & designing stuff in my free time.

What began as doodling Fraktur during class, as an adult became focused creation of typographic art for print and for screen, including this digital type experiment I call "Nymphont."

I do freelance web and graphic design along with type design. The icons below link to social networks and bookmarking sites that I am involved with.

From the fabulous Las Vegas, Lauren "Nymphont"

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