LT Oksana Font On Michael Jackson T-Shirt

LT Oksana Font On Michael Jackson Tribute T-Shirt As one of the the many fans of Michael Jackson, I was so happy to see my font LT Oksana used on this Make Your Mark T-Shirt design competition entry, that serves as a tribute to the amazing musician whom passed away suddenly and tragically this year.

I can honestly say, that I don't think I have ever been more affected by a celebrities death as I was his.His music was amazing, I think of him often, he was a very bright light on this earth.



Anonymous said...

Its a good T shirt congratulations for the selection..:)

Moderator said...

Thank you :)

Unknown said...

I love your fonts *almost* as much as I love Michael. Great combination!

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I'm Lauren, self-proclaimed "dweeb," and "the coolest person I know." Single mom, making fonts & designing stuff in my free time.

What began as doodling Fraktur during class, as an adult became focused creation of typographic art for print and for screen, including this digital type experiment I call "Nymphont."

I do freelance web and graphic design along with type design. The icons below link to social networks and bookmarking sites that I am involved with.

From the fabulous Las Vegas, Lauren "Nymphont"

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