Fonts In Use on deviantART

Fonts In Use on deviantART Here are some examples of how artists on deviantART have used my fonts in their work. Most images are shown here at a lower resolution and smaller size than the actual artwork, to fully appreciate click the artist's link or the image itself to visit it's original location.

Please note that these images are shown here with permission by the artist, and protected by the copyrights of those artists; they may not be redistributed or altered in any form. They are considered "artwork," so I trust that you will respect the rights of their artists and enjoy them.

Vintage Aircraft Postcard
Font: LT Nutshell Library Font
Vintage Aircraft Postcard

Font: Champagne & Limousines Font

Jesus Loves Metal
Font: Frail & Bedazzled Font
Jesus Loves Metal

Simon Cowell - Black and White
Font: Caviar Dreams Font
Simon Cowell - Black and White

Music Rainbow
Font: Champagne & Limousines Font
Music Rainbow

Slider in style
Font: Champagne & Limousines Font

If you have created something using any of my fonts that you would like to have feaured ina future "Fonts In Use" post please do comment or email me nymphont @ yahoo dot com I'd love to see your work!



Mon said...

Thank you for featuring my artwork! Your fonts are brilliant. :)

Moderator said...

& Thank you :)

Katherine! said...

i really wish i had saved a copy of it - i think i must've emptied it out. i spent a few hours going through my history looking for it but to no avail :( hopefully it'll turn up sooner or later!

Moderator said...

@Katherine - No worries :) If you do find it let me know though :) You have a really cute site :)

Anonymous said...

These are great fonts but how to use it on my blog is there anyway that i can download.

Moderator said...

Yes all of my fonts can be downloaded from here from "the fonts" in the menu.

James Jacobs said...

This font are Great! I've been looking for this. Thanks for sharing.

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I'm Lauren, self-proclaimed "dweeb," and "the coolest person I know." Single mom, making fonts & designing stuff in my free time.

What began as doodling Fraktur during class, as an adult became focused creation of typographic art for print and for screen, including this digital type experiment I call "Nymphont."

I do freelance web and graphic design along with type design. The icons below link to social networks and bookmarking sites that I am involved with.

From the fabulous Las Vegas, Lauren "Nymphont"

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